Thursday, 26 December 2019

Four Ways to Remain Hydrated to Avoid Back Pain

An adult human body is made up of about 60% of water. Intake of water regularly helps in maintaining the blood volume, digestion, proper organs functioning (which also includes the working of spine and back) and much more.

The various water sources in the body becomes depleted when it suffers from dehydration. In its own course, the body attempts to divert the water supply to the organs that need it most; and in the procedure, spine is mostly neglected. Even though our bodies are designed to recover from the intermittent bout of dehydration, it leaves a disastrous impact on the spine and back musculature.

While there are many options for back pain treatment, the minor pains can be avoided should you remember not to get dehydrated.

As the body ages, chances are, people will get less active. Coupled with the fact that older folks are not always as hydrated as younger people, the risk of developing degenerative disc disease gets higher. Combined, it may result in chronic low back pain.
Less shock absorption - More stress on the spine - Swelling - Pain and discomfort

•    Stay hydrated

Thumb rule, drink at least eight glasses of water every day.

However, contrary to what most people think, these eight glasses need not be plain but any form of fluid will count. Mint, lemon, cucumber or anything of your preference can be added to the water to get the desired flavour. Other beverages such as tea, milk or juice also adds up to the count.

Know that coffee acts as a diuretic; so, if you are a regular coffee sipper, get more water to keep up the balance. The sugary sodas are best when avoided.

•    Eat fruit

Eating lots of fruits can be an easy way to increase the water content in the body. Watermelon, for instance, is a delicious option with low calorie option. Green leafy vegetables, cucumbers, celery, tomatoes are also trusted sources of water.

Vitamin-laced waters and sports drinks are available these days in the super market. Electrolytes are perfect for particularly hot sweaty days.

•    Stay cool

Make sure to stay cool, specially during the summer days by ensuring rest in the shade. Make sure to carry water, umbrella, and other necessary accessories to not get too tanned. Also, if you are being involved in physical activities such as swimming, jogging or other sports, drink often to make up the lost sweat.

•    Proper sleep

Getting eight hours of sleep is necessary to maintain the hydration of the body. The body can restore some of the water loss experienced each day with a good sleep cycle.

Exclusive Nerve & Disc Centers have experts who can help in providing non-surgical treatment procedures in chronic neck and back pain. One of the most effective ways to re-establish the regular pumping mechanism and make it hydrated is with non-surgical spinal decompression. The treatments although does not have any guaranteed recovery period, provides a sense of relaxation. When coupled with proper diet and lifestyle habits, it can bring in positive outcome. Visit to find out more.

Monday, 9 December 2019

Did you know these four ways to kill nerve pain?

The peripheral nerves are responsible for transporting information from brain to various parts of the body, and any damage to their network can create complications in signalling. Painful or otherwise unusual sensations are the classic symptoms to understand there are some issues with the nerve, which is medically termed as peripheral neuropathy.

People with peripheral neuropathy experience hot and cold sensations, frequent tingling of hands and arms with pain and more.

To combat all these situations, there are certain natural treatments for nerve pain that can even be followed to prevent spreading the pain:

Exercise - If you are taking trained exercise lessons, it can help tone your muscles. proper toning can decrease the scope of neuropathy. Also, regular training can stop you from being diabetic which in the long run reduces blood pressure.

Dietary instructions - Diabetes is one of the key causes of peripheral neuropathy. So, if there has been any history of the condition or you have been detected with the genetic possibility, make sure you diet includes simple carbohydrates and rich fiber. Antioxidant-rich foods, limited trans and saturated fats, little alcohol intake can help benefit you in preventing neuropathy.

Vitamins - There are plethora of choices of supplements and vitamin rich foods that can help in promoting nerve health. For instance, B-complex vitamins, N-acetylcysteine, Omega-3 fatty acids, Alpha-lipoic acid, Magnesium and calcium, Vitamin E, Acetyl-l-carnitine (ALC), Glutamine are important elements that help to block neuropathic pain.

Relaxation techniques - Get involved in some relaxation techniques that can alleviate the neuropathic pain. Often people gets involved in meditation, deep breathing methods, music therapy, yoga to get cured from the condition.

Peripheral neuropathy can be detrimental if not treated on time. If you have ever suffered from complications related to nerve pain treatment, make sure to see a doctor if any of the following conditions occur -
  • sudden worsening of the exiting physical condition
  • severity in neuropathic pain
  • the pain spreading to different areas of the body
  • frequent formation of sores or injuries on the feet
  • frequent swelling, fever, or infection

Are you looking for exclusive approach to help you treat conditions such as Spinal Degeneration, Herniated Discs and Peripheral Neuropathy? You can get the expert help from Exclusive Nerve & Disc Centers for non-invasive treatment options. Visit to find out more on the cutting edge treatment options.

Saturday, 23 November 2019

All You Need to Know About Bulging Disc

You have probably heard about bulging disc in some or the other discussions but like any other non-medical person, chances are, you probably have many questions unanswered.

Bulging disc treatment can be required by anyone at any stage of life; although the condition is more prevalent in those who are involved in arduous physical activity for long period or amongst older populations. To prevent the condition from worsening, it is important to understand the symptoms and causes, and know about treatments for a bulging disc if you think you are one who will fit in the said group.

What is a bulging disc?

Your spine is made up of vertebrae that have discs in between which prevent damage to the spinal tissue and bone by working as a shock absorber. This also makes the movement easier. However, when there is a slip of the disc from its normal position it can give rise to an outward swelling when the fluid comes out of the weakest point from the disc. The symptoms worsen when the conditions continues for a longer time. Bulging discs are also referred to as protruding disc.


There can be little or no pain involved until the condition reaches the point of herniation and that usually makes it tricky to identify the bulging disc symptoms. Unless there is some severity in the symptoms, there can hardly be any proper diagnosis or treatment for bulging disc.

Quick facts
  • Bulging discs produce pressure points on the neighbouring nerves giving rise to strange sensations
  • Tingling and numbness fingers, hands, arms, neck or shoulders along with pain is common
  • Lumbar area is the most frequent region to have the condition
  • Bladder incontinence can occur with some as well
  • Mid-spine bulging disc causes upper back pain radiating to the stomach or chest
  • Muscle spasms also occur with any bulging
  • Immediate medical evaluation is required upon evaluation


Of the many reasons that cause bulging of the spine, natural aging and obesity are the main reasons. Depending on your lifestyle choices and type of physical activities the vulnerability of the condition increases.

Although bulging discs occur over time, bad posture such as improper body positioning during sitting, standing, or sleep may augment the risk.


A thorough medical examination involving X-rays, CT or MRI scans are necessary to identify the bulging disc condition.


Once diagnosed with the condition, the first thing a patient is advised is to change the body positioning and behaviours (such as the sitting, sleeping, and posture positions). This might initially help to reduce any pain caused by the affected disc. A weight reduction plan and exercise also proves helpful for the obese patients. Physical therapy is often advised to strengthen and gain the lost mobility. Basically, the non-surgical treatments can work before the stage of herniation. Anti-inflammatory medications can help to cure mild to moderate discomfort.

The new age treatment

Today, there are cutting edge and state-of-the art technology treatment options available which follows non-surgical and non-invasive practice. Decompression is the most effective and common step followed to re-establish the disc condition, heal them and become rehydrated.

Recommended treatment program include the following which is based on the history and examination through MRI, X-ray, and CT.

The ways include:

•    Non-surgical Spinal Decompression Therapy
•    Class III / Class IV Laser Therapy
•    Electro-Medicine, Advanced Rehabilitation
•    Spinal Manipulation
•    Nutritional Recommendations
•    Comprehensive Nutritional Protocol
•    Home Treatments (with Neurostimulation and LLLT -low level light therapy at times)

Exclusive Nerve & Disc Centers® offer Bulging Disc Treatment from experts practicing non-surgical and non-invasive methods. Visit to book a consultation.

Thursday, 7 November 2019

Eight Common Reasons That Causes Numbness and Tingling in Hands

Have you ever faced sudden numbness in your hands and feet? Did you feel that the condition persists and there is a gradual onset of the numbness and the tingling? This is a very common concern amongst working adults, specially those who have to go through repetitive and forceful activities (for instance, prolonged use of a computer keyboard and mouse).

Lack of nutrition, particularly vitamin B deficiency, can cause numbness and tingling in hands as well as feet. The condition worsens when it is associated with pain.

If you are facing any such complications, do not ignore them, as it might be a sign of peripheral neuropathy that needs immediate diagnosis and treatment.

Peripheral neuropathy

Local pressures on a nerve (or as medically called compression neuropathy) can result in numbness in different patterns. Physical injury, unwanted growth in the bands of connective tissue, thickened muscles, ganglion cysts, enlarged blood vessels, or arthritic spurs can result in nerve compression in different areas of the body.

Causes of tingling in the hands and feet

•    Accounting for about 30% of cases, diabetes is one of the major reasons that cause peripheral neuropathy. One of the early signs of diabetic neuropathy is tingling, which develops in both feet, and go up the legs. It is then followed by similar sensitivity that affects the hands. Most of the diabetic patients can suffer from mild to severe forms of nerve damage.

About 30% of peripheral neuropathy cases are called Idiopathic neuropathy where the cause is unknown

•    Nerve entrapment syndromes - carpal tunnel syndrome, peroneal nerve palsy, ulnar nerve palsy, and radial nerve palsy are some of the causes that can form numbness and tingling in hands

•    Systemic diseases – When someone suffers from renal disorders, vascular damage, liver disease, blood diseases, amyloidosis, hormonal imbalances (including hypothyroidism), connective tissue disorders and chronic inflammation, cancers and benign tumors, it can impinge the peripheral nerves.

•    Deficiency of Vitamins - Vitamins B1, B6, B12, E and niacin are necessary for healthy nerve function. Insufficient intake of B12 can result in pernicious anemia, which is a vital thing for peripheral neuropathy. On the contrary, excessive Vitamin B6 also can result in similar condition.

•    Alcoholism - Alcoholics generally have higher thiamine or other important vitamin deficiencies owing to their reduced dietary habits. Eventually, it leads to peripheral neuropathy that damages the nerves - a condition which many likes to call alcoholic neuropathy.

•    Toxins - Certain medications, especially the chemotherapy drugs which are used to treat lung cancer contains heavy metals such as lead, mercury, arsenic, and thallium can cause nerve damage. The numbness from compressed or damaged nerves also comes from some antiviral and antibiotic drugs.

•    Infections – when you have conditions such as shingles (varicella-zoster), Lyme disease, cytomegalovirus, herpes simplex, Epstein-Barr, and HIV/AIDS, there is higher chance of nerve damage.

•    Injury - Nerves can be compressed, damaged, or crushed resulting in nerve pain; for instances, the ones that occur in nerve compression in a dislocated bone or a herniated disc.

The recovery period varies from person to person but typically, the treatment session can last from 45 to 60 minutes. While on the treatment, it is required to remain well hydrated and have a healthy diet for most healing. The exclusive approach to herniated discs, spinal degeneration, and peripheral neuropathy from the experts of Exclusive Nerve & Disc Centers® will help recover from the condition through a non-surgical and non-invasive practice.

Visit to book for your consultation.

Thursday, 24 October 2019

Dealing with Back Pain

The types of back pain are as varied as the reasons behind the same. The strain can hint at a serious condition and seeking timely medical diagnosis and treatment is the best route for restoring normalcy.

Back pain is one of the most common medical conditions around the world today. In fact, 80% of Americans complain of back pain at some point in their life. It ranks second after the common cold as a cause of lost days at work and back pain treatment forms one of the common reasons for visiting a doctor!

Pain in the lower or middle back can manifest due to aging, genetics, obesity, injury, improper posture, lifting heavy weights or other strenuous activities. It can also be attributed to a sedentary lifestyle, smoking or even certain diseases.

The underlying rationale is that there is unnecessary stress on the back and this manifests as pain. The type of pain itself can vary – can be a constant muscle ache or a sudden shooting pain. The pain may radiate down the legs or just cause tingling and numbness in the spine. At times, it may worsen with bending and lifting. The degree of pain too can range from uncomfortable to debilitating.

Point to ponder

The fact of the matter is that back pain is a symptom and not a disease in itself. The cause of the back pain can be varied, though the grounds tend to originate from the spine itself.

Strain in the back muscles or ligaments – due to improper posture, lifting or even sudden movement – can cause unnecessary damage in the backbone that manifests as pain. Similarly, a bulging, herniated or slipped disc compresses the spinal nerves and leads to pain. Spinal arthritis, osteoporosis and other skeletal irregularities are also common causes of back pain. Falls, fractures and other injuries can also lead to pain in the back.

In sum, if the pain continues to linger after taking rest and/or painkillers for a few weeks, it is prudent to consult a doctor. Acute back pain that continues after three months or so can hint at something serious.

Exclusive Nerve & Disc Centers ( provide top quality back pain treatment and care without invasive surgical treatments.

Friday, 11 October 2019

Suffering from bulging disc?

When the inner nucleus of a vertebral disc swells out to its outer layer, it gives rise to what is called a bulging disc. This can happen anywhere from the second cervical bone (C2) to the lowest vertebral segment in the lumbar spine L5.

The nucleus pulposus can rupture because of dehydration or poor nutrition. Dehydrated disc causes small cracks and bulge in the exterior fibers forming disc herniations. The most common symptoms are mild to severe pain, tingling, numbness and weakness.

Common factors that can lead to disc weakening are:

•    Aging and degeneration
•    Gaining excessive weight
•    Sudden strain from improper twisting or lifting something violently

Exclusive Nerve & Disc Centers is one of the most trusted places for non-surgical spinal decompression and bulging disc treatment. With the state-of-the art technology and treatment options, it helps to bring back the normal pumping mechanism that is imperative for the disc to heal and become rehydrated.

Depending on the condition of the patient, the practitioner might apply spinal Decompression Therapy, Spinal Manipulation, Electro-Medicine, Class III / Class IV Laser Therapy, Advanced Rehabilitation, Nutritional Recommendations, or Comprehensive Nutritional Protocol. The overall treatment sessions last for 45 to 60 minutes and patients must maintain a proper diet and nutrition for faster recovery.

Visit to find a provider near you!

Wednesday, 25 September 2019

Understanding Nerve Pain

A dysfunction of the nerves can lead to unprovoked pain and sensitivity that is difficult to understand and treat. It calls for specialist diagnosis to identify and alleviate the suffering before it gets worse.

Pain is usually associated with a hurt or injury – like when a person bumps into furniture, drops a book on his leg or steps on a nail. This pain is linked to the said stimulation and can be treated accordingly.

However, when there is a sudden shooting, stabbing or burning sensation without any specific prompt or reason, it is usually related to nerves and calls for nerve pain treatment.

What is nerve pain?

Nerve pain cannot be directly attributed to any specific cause. It usually occurs when a health condition – like diabetes, shingles, HIV, cancer, brain injury or even B12 deficiency – damages the nerves. As the nerves fail to conduct the right sensory messages to the brain, it can get misfired pain signals for no reason.

The pain can be chronic or a sudden and sharp sensation that usually begins in the extremities, like the feet and hands. This causes heightened sensitivity – like unable to bear the slightest touch or even brushing over the skin. On the other hand, it can also lead to a feeling of numbness in certain areas. If left untreated, it can get worse, affecting activities of daily life. In extreme cases it can also cause difficulty in breathing, digestion and also lead to paralysis.

Regular painkillers do not help in alleviating the pain as the nerves are sending misinterpreting signals and there is no specific ‘target’ for the medication. A detailed consultation with a certified nerve specialist is essential for diagnosing the neuropathic condition.

For instance, the doctors associated with Exclusive Nerve & Disc Centers ( will conduct physical and neurological examinations to identify both the nerve pain and the underlying cause. This is a non-invasive practice and they provide non-surgical and non-invasive treatment for nerve pain – like decompression therapy, laser therapy, electro-medicine, advanced rehabilitation, nutritional recommendations, etc - that not only help with the symptoms but more importantly, focuses on healing the nerves that have been compromised.